The City of Plymouth Department of Municipal Services provides maintenance to trees located in the right-of-way and on public property. Please call the office at 734-453-7737 ext. 0 and speak to our staff to begin the process for a service request (otherwise known as a work order).

Community Canopy Program
The City of Plymouth has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to implement the Community Canopy program. The program provides large trees free of charge directly to residents for planting on their property. Select your trees early to ensure availability as this program is limited to 100 trees. To be eligible for the program, you must be a City of Plymouth resident.
To order, type in your address and select the tree from the available species. Using the online mapping tool, identify the ideal planting location that will help maximize air, water, energy, and carbon benefits of their tree. Once the location is finalized, complete your order. Trees will be delivered, via USPS, between September and early November 2024. A tracking number will be provided once the trees are prepared for shipment. Plant your tree in the location you selected as soon as the tree is delivered. Care for the new tree by watering it daily for the first two weeks, every other day for the next two weeks, and every third day until we get our first frost.
Order your free tree through Community Canopy Program
Street Tree Planting Program
The city offers an annual program for tree planting in the right-of-way. All property owners are eligible for participation. City crews will plant, stake, and mulch the tree. As of July 2024, the city's street tree planting program is free of charge. Please review this year’s
species availability. Contact staff via email at
[email protected] with questions and to order.
Spotted Lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly is a threat to many fruit crops and trees. Learn how to spot it and report any sightings of it using the link below.
Identifying the bug
Report a sighting
Stonefly Search
Upcoming dates TBD
Take Great Care of Your Trees
Here are a few resources for taking care of trees:
TreesAreGood_Benefits of Trees_0321.pdf
TreesAreGood Consumer Brochures Proper Mulching Techniques
TreesAreGood Consumer Brochure New Tree Planting
TreesAreGood Consumer Brochure Tree Selection and Placement
Review the full tree ordinance here.