Partnership with the City of Northville
Since 2012, the City of
Plymouth has partnered with the City of Northville to share a single fire
department which operates under one command structure, reducing costs for
both. There are fire stations and apparatus
in each city.
Personnel are assigned to
one of the stations and respond to calls from their assigned station. In the case of major events, such as
structure fires, personnel from both stations respond. The fire department enjoys a cooperative agreement with Huron Valley Ambulance, and they also respond to all calls for EMS service in the City of Plymouth.
Personnel are assigned to one of the stations and respond to calls from their assigned station. In the case of major events, such as structure fires, personnel from both stations respond.The fire department uses a
paid-on-call staffing model, in which part-time, paid-on-call personnel respond
to calls for service. When dispatched,
our personnel respond to the station, collect the necessary equipment and
respond in department apparatus. Because
the area that we cover is relatively small, we typically do not have to travel
far to respond to incidents, which makes our average response times similar to those of fire departments with full time career staffing. We have over 50 personnel in the department,
which also means that we can quickly assemble large teams when the need arises. There are usually personnel
working at the stations during the day, and we will staff the stations for
severe weather events, festivals, runs and other events in the downtown areas.
Fire Prevention Division
The Fire Prevention
Division consists of the fire marshal and state-licensed fire
inspectors. The division handles fire code enforcement tasks through plan
review, supervision of fire alarm and fire suppression system tests, occupancy
calculations and routine fire inspections of businesses.
Mutual Aid
The department is a part of
the Western Wayne Mutual Aid Association and Michigan MABAS (Mutual Aid Box
Alarm System). This allows us to call upon additional resources as may be
needed to contain an emergency and provides us with access to specialized teams
such as the hazardous materials response team and the urban search and rescue
team. We have also made arrangements with neighboring
departments for reciprocal automatic assistance in the event of a structure