Candidate Filing Information



Information for

City Commission Candidates

  Primary     August 5, 2025**

 General    November 4, 2025


Michigan Election Law (Excerpt)  ACT 116 of 1954

** If not more than twice the number of candidates as there are persons to be elected (8) to that office have filed, the August Primary shall not be held and valid petitions shall be declared the nominees for the offices


There will be four City Commission terms expiring in 2025

One – two (2) year term             Three – four (4) year terms

Eligibility for Office of City Commission

Pursuant to City Charter Section 4.4, must be a City of Plymouth resident for a minimum of one year prior to primary election last filing day and be a qualified and registered elector of the city.

Filing Requirements:

A candidate who wishes to appear on the ballot must submit a complete filing to the City Clerk by the statutory deadline shown below. A complete filing consists of both:

1)        Required completed and accurate Affidavit of Identity   

2)        Required Nominating Petitions (City/Township Nonpartisan) bearing sufficient signatures.

   [minimum 40 signatures maximum 100 signatures] *make copies of your signed petitions before you file

                   Filing information and petitions can be obtained at the City Clerk’s office beginning 2/3/2025          *Filing fee of $100 Does Not Apply*

Filing Deadline                No later than 4:00p.m., Tuesday, April 22, 2025

Withdrawal Deadline    No later than 4:00p.m., Friday, April 25, 2025

 Withdrawal must be in submitted to the City Clerk’s office in writing and signed by the candidate
 (electronic signatures not  accepted)

Filing Location                City of Plymouth City Clerk’s Office
                                             201 S. Main, Plymouth, MI 48170

                                             734-453-1234 ext. 234, 225

                                             Call or Email the City Clerk’s office to schedule a filing appointment.

                                              *Recommended to ensure the City Clerk is available to accept the filing. 

Campaign Finance

Candidates and persons acting on their behalf are reminded that they are subject to provisions of the Michigan Campaign Finance Act. It is a candidate’s responsibility to contact the Wayne County Clerk‘s office to determine what requirements they are subject to regarding campaign finance. This law requires filing of various financial reports with the Wayne County Clerk.       

Visit for Campaign Finance.

Additional Information
Filing requirements for the City of Plymouth City Commission can be located in the Plymouth City Charter. Additional helpful candidate filing information and guideline can be found on websites for the State of Michigan,  Wayne County, MI and the Michigan Municipal League.