Snow and Ice Control Information
The Department of Municipal Services responds aggressively to snow events. Crews plow all snow accumulations of 4” or more.
To ensure the safety of all pedestrians and drivers in the City of Plymouth, please follow these guidelines:
- When a snow emergency is declared, no parking is allowed on any public street. Vehicles left on the street during a snow emergency may be ticketed or towed at the owner’s expense. Snow emergencies are declared on the City’s website and social media pages and is sent out to subscribers on the Listserv.
- Keep fire hydrants clear of snow. Shovel an access path from the curb to the hydrant and keep all sides of the hydrant clear of snow.
- Clear your sidewalks and crosswalk approaches of all snow and ice accumulation within 24-hours of the end of snowfall.
- Do not push, blow, or throw snow into the street or crosswalk.
- Leave an area for plowed snow to accumulate to prevent dumped snow in your driveway. See the diagram below. [Photo of plow clearing area]
Snow and Ice Control Policy
The City Commission adopts a Snow and Ice Control Policy each year. This policy spells out how the various departments in the City of Plymouth will respond to winter weather events.
Snow & Ice Control Information
For the safety of all residents, business owners, and visitors to the City of Plymouth, please note the following tips, reminders, and suggestions.
When the City of Plymouth declares a Snow Emergency, no parking is allowed on any public street. Vehicles parked on the street restrict the ability of the plow trucks to efficiently and effectively remove snow from the street surface. Vehicles left on the street during a snow emergency may be ticketed and/or towed at the owner's expense.
Keep fire hydrants clear of snow. A path to access the fire hydrant should be shoveled on the street side from the curb to the hydrant. Keep snow clear on all sides of the hydrant to ensure quick access in case of emergency.
The Department of Municipal Services responds aggressively to snow events. The DMS crews will plow all snow accumulations of 4" or more. To help limit the amount of snow that ends up in your driveway, follow the diagram shown below. Clearing a section of the street along the curb before your driveway will create a place for the snow to end up. This will reduce the amount that ends up in front of your drive.

The effectiveness of the snow plow is impacted greatly by residents, contractors and business owners' actions. Do not push, blow, plow, throw or otherwise place the snow in the street. Most importantly for the efficiency of our plows, do not push snow back into the street after the plow has been down your street. Pushing snow into the street is against our code of ordinances, and will be strictly enforced. The minimum bill for each offense is $250.00.
Ensure that your sidewalks are clear within 24 hours of the end of snowfall. Promptly remove all snow and ice to ensure you and your neighbors can safely walk throughout the City and to limit your liability in the case of an accident. Snow and ice left on the sidewalks is a public safety hazard and is against our ordinance. Please remove snow from edge to edge and from property line to property line including the entire approach to any crosswalks. Failure to maintain your sidewalks in a safe condition will result in the City removing the snow and/or ice and billing you for the removal. The minimum billing for the first offense is $200.00, the minimum billing for the second offense is $250.00, and the minimum billing for the third and any subsequent offenses is $400.00.
Owners of corner lots must clear both frontage streets in their entirety. In addition, please DO NOT push snow from the sidewalks into the crosswalk. Ensure that all crosswalks are clear and that pedestrians have a safe path from the sidewalk, with out having to step over a pile of snow.