October 19 City Commission Meeting Summary
Published on Oct 21, 2020 08:27

The Plymouth City Commission authorized the development of parking lot concept plans at their regular meeting held online via Zoom on Monday, October 19. The City’s engineer is expected to develop two concepts for upgrades to the city-owned lot at the corner of Ann Arbor Trail and Deer Street. The City Commission also authorized the city attorney to begin discussion on a potential property acquisition near the parking lot.

Other action at the meeting included approving the emergency purchase of a water gate valve that broke while crews were replacing a fire hydrant on Amelia, and approving a pollution prevention plan that is associated with the stormwater permit process with the Michigan Department of the Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE).

For more information including all meeting agendas and meeting minutes, please visit www.plymouthmi.gov/agenda_center.